Monday, August 29, 2011

How much is that doggie in the window?

The one with the waggly tail.........there, now that you'll have that song stuck in your head all day, I'll get to the meat of this blog!
For years, I have lived with a dog or two around the house. Whether it was my first puppy, a cocker spaniel, that I got when I had my tonsils out or our big white Great Pyrenees, I've always had a dog. Nothing against cats, we have those too, but I love my dogs.
My first recollection of a four legged friend was Buffy. He was a big, furry, rust colored, babysitter! My Mom knew that if we were outside with Buff, he'd keep us safe. He never let us get near the road or go anywhere we weren't allowed. He was a beautiful animal. I suppose that if we had had a different kind of dog, my first impressions might not have been so good. That might have made me anti-dog. But that's just not the case.
I can honestly say something good about just about any breed of dog. ( all honesty, maybe not chihuahuas or the other "pocket pooches" out there...) But, to each his own!
I bring all of this up because I am looking for a smaller dog. Not the aforementioned pocket pooch, but something spaniel sized.
Our resident pup these days is a husky-shepard mix. She's a beautiful, smart and just plain great dog. The problem is, I think she knows that I'd like a smaller four-legged friend. Sensing that, she tries her best to accommodate me by laying in my lap every chance she gets! Maybe in the winter it won't be so bad, but this time of year it's a bit much. Plus, huskies are pack animals....I'm just trying to add to her pack!
So I've been watching Craigslist, checking the local shelters and looking at all the possibilities that my future daughter in law, Tori, has been sending my way.
All the animals I have ever owned have "found" me. I never had to actively search out a pet. I'm not one to go to a pet store and peruse the windows. Until last week. I decided to stop by our local pet shop and see what they had available.
There were big dogs, little dogs, teeny tiny dogs and four legged furballs that I think were dogs. I chatted with one of the guys at the store, a former work colleague from my dairy days. He said he had just the pup for me. I waited to see what he thought would be my perfect little pal.
Out he came with a Cavalier King Charles spaniel. She was beautiful. It was love at first sight. We played for a while, then I gave her back. I couldn't just buy the puppy and bring her home. I had to find a time when Rick could "meet her" and see what his opinion was. That opportunity came a few days later. We went back to the store and played with that little pup again. So far, so good! Rick seemed to like her! Looks like we found our newest family member.
Until I asked "how much was that doggie"....
I know that the price of everything is going up these days, but I just about fainted when we were told $1800. I realize that includes a three year "warranty", her AKC paperwork, etc., etc. But, WOW.........
I cannot justify spending that much money for a puppy. Yes, she was cute, adorable and all of those things you want a puppy to be, but, WOW........
Guess sticker shock hits all sorts of things!
Needless to say, the hunt continues. I know that the perfect dog is out there. He/she just needs to find us and let us know. Who knows, maybe old Buff is working on that right this minute. He always did watch out for me!