Monday, August 27, 2018

Wild and Wonderful

Traveling when you're retired is a whole different animal.
When you're employed, you have a limited block of time to get out of town and relax.  We jump in our cars, hop on a plane, or cruise to parts unknown.... knowing that our time is limited.
Traveling, when retired, is a whole different outlook.
Normally, we would have packed up and hit the road.  Driving about eight hours a day. ( If we weren't towing a camper, the day was even longer!). You hurry to where you want to be to relax.  You need the stress of the drive to wash away. 
Our travels, this time, are completely different.  Is there still the stress of driving?  Of course.  There are a lot of stupid people on the road.  But, this time around, our travel days are four to five hours long.  You don't feel that "hurry up and go" that you've known for years.
I guess it's safe to say that we're trying to get used to the "stop and smell the roses" mentality.  It takes some getting used to!
This time, we get to stop and visit with friends and family along the way.  We get to visit places we've always driven past saying "I'd love to stop there someday."
It seems that we've reached that magical "someday"!
We're learning, slowly but surely, to enjoy the ride.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

See ya later, alligator!

Tomorrow is the day.  New sights.  New experiences. New chapter in life.
All I can say is "oh boy".
That phrase can be taken many ways.  "Oh boy!!!" Like you're so Christmas morning or a trip to Disney.
Then there is the "oh boy" when you see flashing red or blue lights in your rear view mirror.
I'm stuck somewhere between the two.  I'm really excited about starting this new chapter.  I'm also terrified.  But, I'm not the first to ever experience these emotions.
Imagine a few hundred years ago.  You pack all you worldly goods into a wagon and head off.  Or perhaps you boarded a ship and travelled across the ocean.  Leaving everything and everyone you knew behind. You have a destination planned, yet it's the stretch from point A to point B that may be a challenge.
Are we up to the challenge?  You bet! 
Of course, like our ancestors, there will undoubtedly be "surprises" along the way.
This is a whole new way of doing things. 
As long as you "expect the unexpected" and keep a good sense of humor, anything is possible!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

We're in!

Well, it's official.  We are full time RV'ers.
No....we haven't left the property yet, but our home is now portable!
As you can see, things aren't quite settled.  There are miscellaneous boxes, bags, and totes scattered around the place.  Eventually everything will have a designated spot.  Or items won't make the cut and will be relagated to a box in storage.
We're excited about hitting the road and seeing sights across the country.
We hope you'll all travel along with us on this journey!