Sunday, December 18, 2016

Tools of the Trade/Making memories

( This photo is of our dear friend, Ed, or crazy Uncle Ed, as our kids call him, helping the grands decorate  Christmas cookies.)

This time of year, lots of baking is going on in houses all over the world. Everyone has their own favorites to make during the holiday season.  Perhaps its a recipe that has been in your family for as long as you can remember.  Perhaps you're starting new traditions with your family and want special foods to be a big part of the celebrations.

Whichever applies to you, you need the right tools to pull it off.  There are wonderful, time saving tools on the market today.  Mixers that do everything but the dishes, chopper-dicers to save you the time consuming task of chopping up nuts, fruits or what-evers.  Aren't they amazing?  Well, yes they are, but they're not for me.  I have a lovely stand mixer, a fancy little chopper-dicer, a bread making machine, all those time saving appliances.  And, I use them throughout the year.  But, you know what?  I find I don't use them this time of year.

During the crazy hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I find myself going "old school".  I have found that the simple act of kneading bread, sifting flour (yes, I still do that!), or chopping nuts is therapeutic. It forces you to slow down and enjoy the tactile sensation of hands on baking.

Now, before anyone starts saying "What?? Are you crazy?? I don't have that kind of time!  I have kids!  I have a job!  I have a life!"  Precisely why you should take the time to do things the old way.  Invite your children into the kitchen, have them help!  Will is be messy?  You bet it will.  Everyone may be covered in flour or powdered sugar before you're done. (Heck...I'M covered with flour and powdered sugar and I'm baking by myself!)  But guess will be a memory that each of you will carry throughout your lives.

I too, had a full time job.  I too, had children.  I too, had a life.  To my regret, I didn't take the time that I should have to include the young ones very often.  You only get one shot at their growing up.  Don't waste it on things, make memories instead.

So dig out your mixing bowls, your wooden spoons, and your pudding steamers.  Dig out your elbow grease and DIG IN!

This time of year is special for so many reasons.  We each have the power to make it even more special and more memorable just by taking the time.  The time to slow down for a while, the time to feel, the time to engage with each other and enjoy each others company.

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas.