Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Turn the page

We each have times in our lives when a chapter closes. Some can be abrupt, some may linger, but they are usually for the best. Turning a page allows us to move forward.
I was given the chance to closeout a chapter of my life when I discovered I was still part owner of a house in Louisiana. Now, I'm not talking about a lovely vacation cottage on the ocean, or a beautiful southern style home on St. Charles Avenue. No, this was a nice little house in a quiet suburban neighborhood.
I drove to New Orleans with the intentions of cleaning out the house and putting it on the market. While that was accomplished, it was a week full of memories. Old photos, old friends. New friends and new beginnings.
I first must publicly thank my former brother-in-law Gary and his lovely wife, Kat, for housing me during my stay. My original plan was to "camp out" in my former backyard. I was informed by my oldest son, Matthew, that I was " in NO WAY sleeping in the backyard like a hobo"! So, instead I was treated to a lovely home in Uptown New Orleans. Both the home and the people who live there were warm and welcoming.
Throughout the week, as I worked on cleaning out the house, folks would stop by. A "blast from the past" was a common occurrence. One day there was a knock on the door and there was an old family friend and his beautiful daughter. His son and my boys had played together as children. We had taken family trips together...whether camping or to the beach..our lives were intertwined. A visit from the next door neighbor was a treat. Hearing how the years had treated them made time disappear.
While sorting through the years in the house, there were wonderful discoveries....a small windbreaker worn by both boys, a set of Matt's favorite dinosaur sheets, and tons of photographs.
Everything was sorted through. Piles were made......who wants the handmade tiki mug & stein collection? Josh, which mugs do you want? Who wants the sails for the boats? Who needs furniture? Everything that had life left in it was sent on to live somewhere new.
The antique bedroom set was broken up, but each piece went to a person that needed it. I know they will be well loved for many years to come.
I can't end this blog without thanking a few more folks along the way....My former brother-in-law Ray for the muscle and moral support. Kate for her tireless work on a hot day for a lady she had never met. Peter for keeping me laughing. Marcia for reminding me that friendship is a strong bond that time does not erase. And last, but not least, my son Matthew. His help (both physically and emotionally) made this journey worthwhile. We started the chapter many, many years was a blessing to have him by my side as I turned the page.

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