Saturday, December 22, 2012

Another Christmas rolls around.  Today, the snow is falling gently outside my window, setting the perfect Christmas card scene.  Colored lights twinkle on trees and in windows.  The smell of holiday baking fills the house with wonderful aromas.  Friends and families begin to gather together to celebrate this most magical time of the year.

We each have family traditions that we proudly carry on.  Perhaps it's an orange in the toe of your stocking.  Candy canes that Santa hangs on the Christmas tree.  Certain cookies or baked goods that, while they would taste wonderful any time of year, are only made this time of year.

Christmas, for me, is all of those things.  Is it crazy?  Sure is.  Is it hectic?  Very much so! Will it be crowded in your kitchen,  or around your tree?  I do hope so!

As we prepare, we remember.  The Christmases past, spent with the people (and critters) that we hold so dear. The very people who gave us the traditions we carry on today.  Now, that's not to say that we haven't added a few new traditions to the list, but these are our foundation.  Our roots.  Our beginnings.

This year will be difficult for many.  They will be spending their first holiday without an important ingredient to their family equation.  In our family, it will be no different.  While we celebrated many wonderful moments this year, we also grieved for the loss of  dear ones.  For some of us, this year is bittersweet.  Yet, as you uphold your family traditions, take a moment to "talk" with your loved ones who won't be sitting at your table.  They will be there with you, heart and soul.  I know that we'll have a gathering of very special angels at our house.  We remember each of them with our little traditions, quiet reminders of Christmases past.

If you have a moment during this season of hustle and bustle, try to listen to a beautiful song, "Christmas in Heaven" by Scotty McCreery.  Be sure to have a kleenex or three with you.  It is a heartwarming song that sums up todays blog perfectly.

Take the time, this year, to hold close those that you hold dear.  Welcome them in, welcome them home and carry on the traditions that make this time of year so special.

May you each have a magical, beautiful and blessed Christmas.

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