Sunday, August 25, 2019

Diary of a road dog~ guest author, Chauncey

My hoomans call me a road dog.  I'm not really sure what that means.  If it means riding in the truck and doing a lot of nothing, then I guess I'm a road dog.
This is day seven.  I'm not sure what we're doing, but I know my yard is different every other day!  My house is the same, my toys are the same, even my food is the same, then they open the door.
The smells are all different.  The dogs are all different.  I made friends with a cute little french girl named Bri yesterday.  She was fun to run around with. 
I've noticed that there are lots of dogs that are bigger than me.  Some of them want to play and some of them growl and bark at me (kinda mean like).  I don't know why.  I really do like everyone!  And, don't get me started on other hoomans.  I'm a pretty cute guy.  Lots of people say so.  I just don't understand why, when I'm working the cute card, some folks completely ignore me!
But I guess if they don't know cute when it's right in front of them, that's their loss.
For now it's me, my hoomans, and my big comfy seat in the truck. Every night I sleep in my own bed, in my own house.
If that's what a road dog is, then I'll take the title.  Well, maybe add "cute".  Yeah, CUTE road dog.  Has a good ring to it.
See you down the road.


  1. Lucky dog. I'd love to be your favorite pet~ P1

  2. Well P1, I suppose I could send you some chew toys and bouncy balls! ��
