Thursday, March 4, 2010

Signs of Spring

It only takes temperatures in the 40's and a bit of sunshine on a March day to turn thoughts towards Spring. Today is one of those days. It got me to thinking about signs that Spring is just around the corner. These signs aren't much different now than they were years ago. Spying your first robin. Seeing pussy-willows. Seed packets for sale in the store. Brown snow (ewwwwww) and one of my favorites, seeing sap buckets on maple trees!
As I was driving into the city this morning, I saw my first buckets of the season. It gives me hope that we're on the downhill side of winter. I realize that we could still get more snow, and in all likelyhood we will, but it was a sign of hope.
Rumor has it that robins have been spotted in northern Pennsylvania, so it won't be long before they're gracing our backyard.
What are your favorite signs of Spring?


  1. I love it when the sun is out and the roads are completely dry. Also, when there is a chill in the air, yet the sun warms my car and it's warmer in my car than outside!

  2. I enjoy seeing the crocus flowers poking their heads out of the soil, sometime right through the snow. But my favorite is when I hear the geese returning to the north. I can be inside, and when I hear them I run outside and search until I see them, watching them until they disappear. It is a beautiful right of spring- so dependable, so heartwarming, so natural.
